• Tractorgrease Cafe (map)
  • 48710 Chilliwack Lake Road
  • Chilliwack, BC, V4Z 1A6
  • Canada

Led by Sue Malcolm and The Soda Crackers
Where: Tractorgrease Café, 48710 Chilliwack Lake Rd.
Chilliwack BC, 604-858- 3814
When: Saturday, September 10th , 2017
3:00 – 4:00 pm

Admission $5 per person; kids under 5 free
Contact: Sue Malcolm 604-617- 9645 or sue@suemalcolm.com


Grab your fiddle, banjo, guitar, mandolin, dobro, ukulele or bass and head to The Tractorgrease Café in Chilliwack, where Sue Malcolm will lead you through easy bluegrass songs at a slow pace. No music reading is necessary. All songs are taught by ear using Sue’s Slow Pitch Jam method. Participants should be able to play chords: G,C,D,A,C,E,F. There’s no soloing required, as all instrumental parts are played in groups.
You don’t have to bring kids to participate – this jam is for folks of all ages and abilities who want to enjoy playing some great bluegrass tunes.
Sue Malcolm has been teaching bluegrass jamming for adults for over twenty years, at the
ANZA Club jams (Pacific Bluegrass & Heritage Society), community centres and festivals. She makes it easy for beginners to join in and play in a fun, social atmosphere.