• Fun For Cover Facebook and Instagram pages (map)

Join Fun For Cover for our second live stream performance during this very strange time. Remember a time when you could go to a bar? Remember when you could put on your best digs and and listen to a band at that bar? Remember when you could look at someone up then down annd say "Nice shoes!" We can't give you a bar. We can't give you physical closeness. But what we can give you is music, themes, and drinking cheap liquor from the comfort of your own home. I mean you guys will have to provide your own booze, but we got you covered for the rest. So... BYOQB.

Dress your best, take a photo and post it to our facebook wall. OR DM the band on instagram (@fun4cover) or facebook. We will select the best outfit and you could win A BRAND NEW FUN FOR COVER T-SHIRT!!!!!!!

We're happy that we can share our music with you and feel very blessed that we live in a house together and are able to give you a full band experience. We went pretty long last time so we thought we make this one short and sweet. We can't wait to make your Saturday night a little more FUN (for cover).